Thursday, January 1, 2009

Where Did The Soul Go?

So the other night I was in the mood for a great flick; I just wanted to sit on my couch, order a pizza and watch a damn good movie. I came across The Blues Brothers and, without a hint of doubt or hesitation, loaded it into the DVD player. Enthralled the entire time, eating greasy pizza, I began to think, "where the hell did all the soul of movies go?" I mean really, think about it. Now don't get me wrong, there are good movies being produced today, but I feel like people make movies today for pure money and the "show" of it all. They do it for the credit, not the passion.
When Dan Aykroyd co-wrote and starred in The Blues Brothers, he made ZERO dollars in the end. They had a decent budget for the film, but made nearly no profit off of it. I want to see more of It is all for the big suits upstairs to make an extra buck (which sucks); they don't give a damn about anything else. I want the writers, producers, directors and actors to give everything they got and put there blood, sweat and tears into a film, just once, and see what would come out of it. If this happened we would get an amazing piece of cinema that would be entertaining as hell, yet have some depth so that we wouldn't be too dumbed down.
Think about this idea when you go out and by a new DVD or see a movie. Does it have soul? Does it have the balls behind it to make it a damn good flick? I will continue to do this and see what other films have the balls of good cinema. You should do the same.

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