Sunday, January 18, 2009

Got Manners?

So in the older times, and when I say older I merely mean within the past few decades, I could have sworn people were supposed to be brought up with manners. Where did it go? Why did it go? I normally relate my real life complaints and thoughts to a film or television show that coincides with the same theme, but this time I think I will just leave that aspect out (but if you want to see this same kind of idea on screen then go see Gran Torino).
Recently I have been seeing people display attitudes of complete ignorance and disrespect. I was raised to be kind, respectful for all situations, elders and coherent with the living laws of humanity. Recently, I have seen that others were not raised the same way. When you eat something, you clean up after yourself, whether it means washing the dishes or throwing away wrappers. Is it really that hard to make the extra ten steps of effort to the sink or trash can? I give homage to my parents for beating this into my skull when I was younger because now I keep my surroundings clean and ULTRA sanitary.
Also, what is with these young punk kids being assholes to older people, whether it is someone who is fifty or someone who is eighty. THEY ARE OLDER THAN YOU! In saying this, they know more than you. Trust me, they do. When learning to drive, my dad would always tell me to just do as he said because he had been doing it for forty years, and I had been doing it for forty minutes. I now realize the significance of that statement. Older people, whether they are mean or nice, know more than younger people do. It does not take a genius to figure that out. So to all you little inked up, gangster/guido punks, try respect for once. You will be surprised how far it gets you.
In conclusion, be RESPECTFUL and use MANNERS. It's not that hard to do. If you inject these two functions of life into your own life, you will go places no matter what. I guarantee you. I even have a hard time trying to stay true to these ways of life, but it's the effort to keep trying that makes it worth it and makes it valuable.

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