Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Real Wifes of Materialism

O.k., so the other day there was nothing on t.v.. I mean there was nothing on the tube AT ALL. I scrolled through the channels until I found The Real Housewives of Orange County. Holy Lord, what did I get myself into?
I'm not going to lie, I watched a lot of episodes. How much tanning, fake breasts and botox can one induce on themselves, jeez. It is like the producers sent out a casting call and said, "hey we need the dumbest, bitchiest, most spoiled stereotypical California girls we can find." (And if anyone gets mad about me saying that's a California stereotype then sue me...it's true.) I was just shocked how materialistic these women were. I mean we all want things in life (I buy a new DVD almost every three or four days), but these ladies buy diamonds like they come in packs of skittles. What happened to living a little on the, somewhat, smaller side of life where people drink low class beer at a tailgate or by a fire? People wearing jeans and NORMAL shirts that are NORMAL colors are things that need to circulate commonly through this country. The other day I saw some guy wearing some ridiculous shirt that had inked up dragons, and what's with the BILLABONG gear. It is the most hideous brand of clothes I've ever seen. The Real Housewives of Orange County got me thinking about all this materialism and how it fuels the fire for dominant appearance. I believe, full heartedly, that one should take care of his or her self, but these people take it to the furthest opposite side of the spectrum. Hopefully the next episode will have all the housewives put all their diamond buying, botox injecting, breasts implanting efforts into their families and relationships, because they don't. That is the ONE cool thing about reality t.v., we get to see everything while it happens. Real housewives, money, power and fame are not the true "funs" of life. Passion, modesty, generosity and GENUINE love for people are the true "funs" in life.

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